How to turn iPhone AssistiveTouch Icon on/off quickly

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Uncategorized

Many iPhone users have activated AssistiveTouch to alleviate the burden from the Home button. But it could be a little annoying since it is always on top of the screen. We’ve written a quicktip to guide you on how to turn the AssistiveTouch menu icon ON and OFF easily.

Here’s a quick guide to activate AssistiveTouch on your iPhone:

1. On your iPhone, tap on Settings > General > Accessibility.

2. Look for the section ‘Physical & Motor’ and tap on AssistiveTouch. You’ll see the AssistiveTouch icon appear right after you turn it on.

3. Tap on it. A menu of ‘Gestures’, ‘Device’, ‘Favorites’ and ‘Home’ will be displayed. You may also tap and move it around the screen.

Here, we’re going to use a simple trick of triple-clicks on the Home button to toogle AssistiveTouch.

1. To activate ‘Triple-click Home’, tap on Settings > General > Accessibility.

2. Here, tap on ‘Triple-click Home’ and select Toogle AssistiveTouch.

3. Once this option is activated, try it!

4. To turn on the AssistiveTouch icon, triple-click on iPhone Home button again. It will take about 2 seconds to bring back the AssistiveTouch icon.


This ‘Triple-click Home’ trick is definitely an easy way to toggle the AssistiveTouch icon on the fly. At least, that will keep the ‘pressure’ off the Home button and give it a slight reprieve.